Enhanced and Complex Fostering Placements

Local authorities define children and young people's needs and behaviour as either core, enhanced or complex.

At Footprints, we tailor all fostering placements to meet the unique needs of each child or young person. These needs often vary in complexity.

Core Placements

Core placements are designed for children and young people with relatively low-level needs. These may include children who have experienced mild emotional distress or disruptions in their early lives but require stability and nurturing to thrive. Foster carers in core placements focus on providing:

  • • Routine and structure
  • • Emotional support to build trust and resilience
  • • A safe and secure home environment

These placements typically suit foster carers who are new to fostering or those who want to provide care without significant additional challenges.

Enhanced Placements

Enhanced placements cater to children with more complex needs, such as moderate behavioral, emotional, or educational difficulties. These children may have experienced significant trauma or disruptions, requiring foster carers to have additional skills or experience. Enhanced placements involve:

  • • A focus on therapeutic support
  • • Collaboration with schools, therapists, and social workers
  • • Strategies to manage behaviors and support emotional healing

Foster carers in enhanced placements receive additional training and a higher fostering allowance to reflect the increased demands of these placements.

Complex Placements

Complex placements involve children and young people with significant needs, such as severe behavioral challenges, mental health conditions or disabilities. These placements may also include sibling groups or children requiring intensive therapeutic interventions. Carers for complex placements must:

  • • Have extensive experience or specialised training
  • • Work closely with multidisciplinary teams, including healthcare professionals and counselors
  • • Provide intensive care, patience, and understanding

Complex placements come with enhanced support from our team and higher allowances to ensure foster carers can focus on meeting the needs of these vulnerable children.

Find out more

At Footprints, foster carers across all placement levels receive comprehensive training tailored to the placement type, 24/7 support and guidance and competitive fostering allowances reflecting the level of care required.

To find out more, contact our expert team.

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Contact Us

Footprints Foster Care Ltd
Registered Company No 07879639

Longham Business Park
168 Ringwood Road
Dorset BH22 9BU

T: 01202 573408
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