Keep Yourself Calm and Bright This Christmas
Posted 12 December 2024

One of the best-known carols tells us that at the first Christmas, all was ‘calm and bright’. Sounds beautiful, doesn’t it? Idyllic even. However, it’s unlikely Silent Night is historically accurate. All may have been bright for the shepherds in the Nativity story, what with the heavenly host of angels appearing, but a silent night in the stable, where everything was calm?
Less likely. Births, after all, are rarely silent. Add in the rush of having to find an impromptu maternity suite, a few animals watching on and plenty of excited visitors showing up and, well – the night was probably not that silent, or calm, or even that bright in the humble dwelling! It was still an awesome occasion though.
Roughly 2000 years later, Christmas if you’re fostering can be noisy, hectic, happy and stressful too. If you fancy finding some peace to help you embrace the everything this season, check out our Footprints guide to keeping yourself calm and bright – because you matter too!
1. Set Boundaries
An endless round of social gatherings can be exhausting for your foster children AND you. Remember that is ok to say ‘no’ to things if you need to. Set boundaries around your time and social battery. Likewise, anything else that may cause you stress. Mess in the home? Screen time? Amount of chocolate consumed by bodyweight? Discuss the deal with everyone ahead of time, agree on boundaries and stick to them.
2. Get Some Fresh Air
It can be tempting to stay inside, especially if everyone is happily occupied with new toys and gadgets, but a blast of fresh air can really help us get some space, regain perspective and reenergise. Exercise can be great for body and mind, so enjoy a run outdoors, go for a family trip to the park, brace the weather on the beach, or simply take a walk on your own. Feel less stressed and sluggish, more bright and brilliant.
3. Eat and Sleep Well
We’re not saying don’t enjoy yourself, just remember to look after your body! Like exercise, sleep is key for our wellbeing as are things like hydration and getting our 5-a-day. A lack of sleep can make us irritable, so rest well when you can!
4. Don’t Compare
Unlike those annoying insurance adverts. They say comparison is the thief of joy and at Christmas this can be so true. It may seem like the world is posting Insta-perfect photos of seasonal bliss on social media, but remember a photo is never the whole story. Try instead to enjoy your own moments, celebrate your own wins and find gratitude somewhere, somehow in your own family times.
5. Take a Break
Whatever you do for self-care, keep doing it at Christmas. Whether it’s an hour reading, a bubbly bath, a Lego build or baking. Please make some space in your schedule to practise self-care.
6. Stay Connected
Our 12 Days of Fostering Christmas article talks about the importance of your support network at Christmas. A quick WhatsApp, phone call, or meme share can do wonders for grounding us, reducing stress and simply making us smile.
Whoever you share your season with and whatever your celebrations look like, we really hope you’ll enjoy the fun and keep feeling calm and bright this Christmas. If you need any support or advice along the way, we’ll be here for you too - please do contact us.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Footprints!