Life as a child in care - Schooling
Posted 26 November 2024
The alarm rings, and you have to jump into that new routine which seems all too overwhelming. The sounds of the school bus and constant chit chatter while you ponder what you need to do to fit in.
Further hustle and bustle in the corridor, and worry to find the right class and whether the teachers will like you, and this is all before lunch break where there is a social expectation to ‘make friends’.
As adults we forget the pressure school has for all children. It is a time joy, self-development and reflection where there are endless opportunities to achieve and explore new and interesting subjects. However, it comes with its own challenges and demands which hit children is all different ways.
Children in care have a higher chance of finding school a challenge. When one has come from a background of neglect or abuse, there is a higher chance of displaying behavioural issues at home and in school.
This can also encompass a difficulty to form relationships and therefore a child in care can be felt an outsider, without the common peer group and social circle of friends.
As a carer, providing a child in care with stability and routine can be what it takes to help them achieve in a school setting.
Slowly introducing them to school and normalising what others take for granted. One of our carers had a significant breakthrough, recently seeing a child through education to achieving fantastic grades and going on to find a college placement.
This was only possible from a strong stable home and consistency from the carers to bring the child through the education system.
Seeing a child achieve, is one of the most satisfying, rewarding times for carers and although school is a challenge for most, we can assure you that you will have achieved with the child placed with you, whether that be small margins, or large you will always feel a sense of pride.